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Heritage livestock's
Spring Catalog Sale

Heritage Livestock's Spring Catalog Sale

April 12, 2025 | Parsons Livestock Auction | Parsons, KS
Tack 9:00 AM | Horses 11:30 AM

Proven Session Preview - Friday, April 11th starting @ 4:00 PM

(Due March 15)

Click Icon for Printable PDF of Consignment Form

Looking for someone to fit your horse before the sale? Click the icon for a directory of riders for hire

Sale Location:

Parsons Livestock Auction

25012 US-59 

Parsons, KS 67357

Preview Location:

Parsons State Hospital and Training Center Arena

2928-3000 North Blvd

Parsons, KS 67357


Located just 4 miles from Parsons Livestock Auction


Preview on Friday, April 11th starting at 4:00 pm

DIRECTIONS from Parsons Livestock Auction:
Go north (left) from Parsons Livestock onto US-59
Turn left onto 400 west
Turn left onto N 32nd Street (Ness Rd)
Turn left at the first intersection onto Northern Boulevard
The arena entrance will be on your right

Sale Info:

CONSIGNOR and BUYER information listed further down this page!


Preview for Proven Session horses on Friday, April 11th at the Parsons State Hospital & Training Center Arena, starting at 4:00pm.


Sale day is Saturday, April 12th. Proven and Regular catalog horses followed by Open Sale for any and all horses.  


Team roping preview on Friday held after the completion of the Proven Session tests.  All Proven horses welcome, Regular catalog horses may show for $50 cattle fee. 


PROVEN CATALOG SESSION: All riding horses that complete the five maneuver test posted below on Friday 4/11. Horses are scored, it is not a competition but a sure way to prove your horse(s) to the buyers. These horses will receive professional advertisement. Proven horses will start the sale, followed by more regular catalog horses.​


REGULAR CATALOG SESSION: Regular catalog session for all riding horses, broodmares, colts, etc that do not preview in the proven session. The regular catalog horses are invited to the preview on Friday to ride around while Proven Tests are running - and may show in the team rope preview for the $50 cattle fee. These horses will receive professional advertisement. 


OPEN SALE: Open sale is for any and all horses. No professional advertisement. Consignments for open sale accepted until 2:00pm sale day. 


Horses will have their hip numbers painted on for the Proven Session Preview. The tests will be scored by two judges and results will be posted before the sale at Parsons Livestock Auction barn and on Heritage Livestock's Facebook page. Awards for high scoring horses when they are sold. ​

Horses will show in as close to number order as possible and tests will be streamed on the Heritage Livestock Facebook Live. 




Horse must be shown in a bitted bridle. No tie downs, war bridles, hackamores, etc. 



1) Open & close gate to enter the arena


2) Approach the crow's nest in a working walk

Halt in front of judges, back four steps

Dismount, pick up all four feet

Drop your bridle, rebridle the horse, remount


3) Trot a figure 8

Lope a figure 8 (simple or flying lead change)


4) Side pass between two poles 


5) Pick up rope from fence - drag a log forward 15 feet then face and pull backwards 15 feet. Hang the rope back on the fence. 


*After you complete the maneuvers, you may use remaining time to show your horse if desired. No points added to score, but you have the audience's       attention until 5 minute time limit. 

Exit the arena 


Five maneuvers being judged by two senior horsemen judges

Judging the horse not the rider - multiple horses may be shown by the same rider 


High Scoring Horse receives award in the sale ring once sold

Second High Scoring Horse receives $200 in the sale ring once sold

Third High Scoring Horse receives paid catalog fee in the sale ring once sold

Consignor Info:

Catalog consignments are DUE March 15, 2025. 



Pictures and video links can be sent in after consignment forms and payment. 

Only HIGH QUALITY photos will be used for online advertisement. A professional profile picture of your horse is recommended.
Full body conformation shots or flattering action shots are accepted. Simple, uncluttered backgrounds are best, with the sun behind the photographer. Upload limit of five photos. Management reserves the right to not post poor quality pictures. 

VIDEOS must be sent in as a YOUTUBE link. Videos sent in any other way will not be posted to the online catalog or played while your horse is in the sale ring.
DEADLINE for YouTube links to be sent in is April 9th.


Proven Catalog Session:

$150 Catalog Fee

8% Commission 

$10 Yardage + Insurance

$100 PO Fee

Proven horses receive professional advertisement prior to the sale.



Regular Catalog Session:

$100 Catalog Fee

8% Commission

$10 Yardage + Insurance

$100 PO Fee

Regular catalog horses receive professional advertisement prior to the sale.



Open Sale consignments accepted until 2:00pm Sale Day

$25 consignment fee 

8% Commission

$10 Yardage + Insurance

$25 PO Fee

NO professional advertisement prior to the sale


Loose horses accepted - no consignment fee and no representation. 

8% commission, $10 Yardage + Insurance

$25 PO Fee



Tack Sale - accepting quality used tack, handmade tack, and saddles. 

20% Commission on miscellaneous tack

10% Commission on saddles


Management will determine accepting or rejecting any consignments

Catalog Sessions: 



Friday, April 11th

  2:00pm Catalog Horse Check-In begins @ Arena

  4:00pm Proven Session Preview begins

  6:00pm Check-In moves to Sale Barn

      * Team Roping Preview to follow Proven Session Preview


Saturday, April 12th

   9:00am Tack Sale

 11:00am Catalog Horse Check In Ends

 11:30am Catalog Horse Sale Begins

   2:00pm Open Horse Sale Check In Closes

Buyer Info:

If bidding in person, register as a bidder Friday night or Saturday morning

Valid drivers license or identification card required

NO Buyer's Premium on in-person purchases

Payment is accepted in cash, check or credit card (3.5% fee on credit cards)


If you cannot make it to the sale, ONLINE BIDDING is available. Transportation can be arranged - list of transporters and their contact information posted on the bottom of this page. 



3.5% Buyer's Premium for online purchases


Phone bidding also available - set up an account the same as an online buyer then call Office Manager Mariellen to arrange:

(417) 316-0119.



Visit the Vendors Invited to this Sale

Roy Henderson Custom Saddles​

Diamond Z Tack

Jace Walls Saddlery

Connolly Bits & Spurs


Concessions on site at sale barn and preview arena

Holiday Inn Express & Suites- Parsons

1500 Cattle Drive

Parsons, KS 67357


(620) 820-6140

Press 0 to make reservations.

Quality Inn - Parsons

1807 Harding Dr

Parsons, KS 67357


(620) 421-6129


Sale Manager: Dennis Raucher (417) 316-0023


Office Manager: Mariellen Raucher (417) 316-0119


Catalog/Advertisement: Meghan Raucher (417) 316-0992


Nationwide Transporters

Big Horse Express Inc - (352) 615-5070

Outwaugh Transportation - (606) 748-9721

Jay Buller Equine Hauling - (601) 493-0216

Cindy Dawson - (484) 678-3785

Yoder Equine Transport - (478) 387-8582

Dashboard Horse Co - (701) 721-7326

Horse Hitchin’ LLC - (785) 283-7003

A & S Equine Transport - (870) 834-1160

Shadow Ridge Equine Transport - (606) 336-2274

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